Nørre Aaby Realskole

About us

Nørre Aaby Realskole is a private, independent general education school with just over 400 students from preschool through 10th grade.  We are located right next to the train station in the town of Nørre Aaby in the municipality of Middelfart. The school also has a nursery and a kindergarten.

We provide students with educational challenges in a secure environment, and we expect a certain level of behaviour and effort. Our values are based on mutual commitment, academic standards, security and traditions.

Our values

On this page you can read more about our four values: Commitment, academic standards, security and traditions.


Everyone at Nørre Aaby Realskole is part of a committed community with mutual expectations. Engagement is a matter of course for everyone who is part of Nørre Aaby Realskole. Everyone is committed to active and well-prepared participation in classroom lessons, and we expect everyone to have an active and positive attitude toward the classroom and school community. From parents, we expect active, positive and interested participation in the education of their children.

Academic standards

Teaching at Nørre Aaby Realskole is handled by professionally and pedagogically well-qualified and engaged teachers. We support and develop academic standards for all, with curiosity and openness to new knowledge and approaches, but also with respect for experience and well-proven methods. Continuity of instruction is a high, everyday priority, and we provide students with appropriate academic challenges. We are interested in the work of our students, and we take this work seriously.


Everyone at Nørre Aaby Realskole respects and cares for each other. Precise, clear communication helps create a sense of security. We do all we can to prevent and combat bullying.


At the school we have several valued traditions, including a daily assembly and morning song as well as a variety of annual events: Cotillion, Saint Lucia celebration, celebration of the school’s birthday and scholarships, among others. We set great store by these traditions, as they help strengthen the community and create a bond between the school, its history and culture and the individual person.

Find us here

NAAR is located right next to the Nørre Aaby Station, making it easy and safe to take the train to school. We are also close to the Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole, where we can borrow their wonderful garden. We are also within walking distance of a sports centre and Tusindårslegeparken, which we use in our sports training.